These terms govern the sale of products from the ΓΛ online bookstore, based at 5, Petriti Street, Drosia Attikis 14572, Greece, telephone: +302108145898, mobile +306974198222, e-mail:, SSN 033747892. The website is the main means of communication via the Internet and online presentation – retail sale to the public of the books it publishes. The ΓΛ online bookstore is intentionally limited to online retail sale of books mainly by ΓΛ publications and only exceptionally books by other publishers. Therefore, it does not concern the resale of books by other publishing houses nor the sale of other products other than books and related items. In fact, the pricing policy includes the integration of VAT in the indicated RP of the product, as well as P&P costs, usually through Hellenic Post – ΕΛΤΑ.
However, the right to future change/modification of the above terms is reserved, as well as the use of another distributor – courier. The payment methods are listed in detail in the last part of the process and include the use of credit/debit card, direct IRIS transfer (simply with the indicated mobile phone number), as well as the Paypal payment platform. Bank transfer – webbanking is NOT supported. Similarly, cash on delivery is NOT supported, either. For the exact same reason, respect for the customer/reader, the online bookstore ΓΛ DOES NOT support discounts, respects the laws on the “unified book price” and does not supply other online resellers. For any wholesale sale in physical bookstores, the usual practice is followed, which does not apply to online retail sales. Therefore, if you find the same product “cheaper” on one of the well-known “discount” websites, make sure that the final sale price (with all the “hidden charges”) will indeed be lower than the stated (and non-negotiable) listed retail price (without the slightest further charge). It raises a reasonable question as to how it is possible for any product to be available at a price lower than the wholesale price set by the publisher/producer. A vindictive reaction from the same branded resellers is to mark the product as “Unavailable” or “Out of Stock”, when the product is totally available at the correct site.
Through the Online Store you are informed about the completion of your order, its processing and finally its completion/shipment. In this case, the special tracking number of the shipment is also sent electronically. It goes without saying that payment must be completed for the order to be considered complete and the shipping process to begin. The products sold through the Online Store are intended exclusively for purchase and personal use. They exclusively regard BOOKS, which are protected by special copyright laws. Therefore, purchasing a book with the aim of reproducing it in any way and then returning it, obviously constitutes a violation of the terms of use. Precisely for this reason, RETURNS ARE NOT SUPPORTED. You either want or do not want a specific book and you cannot change your mind after receiving/reading/reproducing it.
Every effort is made to safe package of the books, which are sent in special protective packaging. In the event of receiving defective or visibly damaged packaging, you should first contact the responsible distributor/courier and/or refuse to receive it.
In order to place your order through the Online Store, you are required to (a) complete a special order form with the necessary information for the conclusion of the sales contract and (b) unconditionally accept the terms of the sales contract – these terms of use and the privacy policy with the electronic option “I accept the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy” that will be given to you by the website. All information sent by you (for the correctness and legality of which you are entirely responsible, as it is done according to your declaration), falls under the strict policy of protection of your personal data, which is collected and processed with complete security and diligence and only after your written express consent, which is provided by sending the above form and your active acceptance of the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy above.
You may navigate the Online Store, freely select the products of your choice from the Online Store and place them in your shopping cart. Books in Greek are included ONLY in the Greek section, while books in English are included ONLY in the English section. Therefore, if you are looking for a book and cannot find it, make sure you are in the corresponding section by clicking on the icon with the Greek or English flag.
Following the steps indicated each time, proceed to send your order request, filling in all the personal information requested in the corresponding registration form. Upon sending the order request, an automated message appears on your screens that includes the details of the order request, which is then sent to you electronically to the email address you have indicated. After sending your order request, you will immediately receive a message to your email address regarding the confirmation of your order, which will include all the details of the order. The retail sales receipt will be included in the packaging of your order. If you wish to receive an invoice, a special space is provided for your SSN. In this case, the invoice may also be sent to you electronically, to the same email address you have already provided. The bookstore does not have access to your banking data and does not store information related to your bank or your credit/debit card. Therefore, please enter your payment details in each and every order you place with us. In order to carry out any transaction through the Online Store, you will be required to disclose some of your personal information. When completing your special order form, you are invited to accept the Privacy Policy, by selecting the online option “I accept the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy”. The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), any specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the currently applicable Greek legislation on the protection of personal data, as well as on the protection of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPA). Your personal information is disclosed to the competent bank (e.g. credit card number) and is DELETED from our database immediately after the completion of your order, thus ensuring an even greater level of security.